How To Delete a Blog From Blogger

welcome back today i will be sharing with you on how you can delete your blog/blogs from blogger, As we all know or may not know blogger is a place where you can create several blog on one gmail account but some time you will one to delete some of your blog from blogger and that what am going to be sharing with briefly,
- Login to your blogger dashboard.
-Click on the settings on the drop down menu of the blog you want to delete from blogger as seen below

then a page will open showing you your blog settings with about six option
-Then click on the others option
-Click on delete blog as seen below

and a box will pop up on your screen as seen below.

-Finally click delete blog and you are done.
Note:If you may want to come back to the blog again click on download blog to keep a copy of your blog on you computer/laptop and also deleted blog can only be restore within 90 days in wish after that duration your blog will be deleted forever.
Does this help or do you have any other ways of deleting a blog from blogger let me hear from you via comment

1 comment:

  1. There is hNOTHING even remotely factual about what's presented here and what my blogger dashboard looks like...
